Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Mystory I & II

Mystory I:
My major is biology and I aspire to become a doctor and while doctors use many different tools. One
tool that revolutionized medicine was the stethoscope. Many of you have probably played with a stethoscope at some point in your life, but have you ever wondered who and why it was invented. A French doctor named Rene Laennec invented the stethoscope in 1816. His inventions was basically a wooden ear trumpet, but they way he used it made the simple ear trumpet into something completely different. For years after that people continued to use the design Laennec made. It was not until 1852 that George Cammann perfected the design of a curved stethoscope. The curved design made this device more ergonomic and user friendly. Cammann's design soon became the industry standard for stethoscopes. Since then the materials used have changed which has aided in sound quality, and rubber has been added to help comfort in the ear. Besides those two things the overall design has barely changed over 150 plus years. It is amazing to think that state of the art hospitals with million dollar machines and highly paid doctors still use a device made so long ago.  
Mystory II Term Extension: The term I choose is diagnose the dictionary definition is "to determine the identity of a disease, illness, etc. by a medical examination." While most assume this word has a negative connotation I interpret this word to have a positive one. Instead of thinking of determining an illness you can diagnose the positive things in life. I always try to look on the bright side of things, because in life if you focus on the negative aspects it does you no good. By diagnosing positive aspects in your life you can learn to always look at the bright side.

Mystory II Anti-definition: The word I am choosing is run. Most coincide running with pain, not being fun, and something you are usually forced to do by a coach. To me none of those words are even related to run. For me run means a break from life. Running helps to ignore the stresses of everyday life and to get away from everything and focus on one thing, which is to go forward. Running lets you absorb nature and become one with the earth, and the little things that stress you out do not seem to be as important anymore. While some turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with stress, I turn to something that some think is even crazier... Running

1 comment:

  1. This is a healthy way to think. Exercise is key in my book, no matter what form of it you choose.
