Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mystory III

The first word that comes to mind when I look at this picture is daring. Kangaroos are land animals as we all know, yet this picture provokes the thought of almost walking on water. I’m sure off in the distance other kangaroos are watching this one and questioning this one’s sanity. I applaud this Kangaroo for taking a risk and going across the water, for many people it takes a lot of mental fortitude to go astray from the group. Whether or not trekking across this body of water pays off for this kangaroo, something can be learned from this picture. Not always following the crowd can lead you on the adventure of a lifetime.

Looking at this photo imagination comes to mind. To adults this may just seem like a towering Oak tree, but in a kids eye this tree is so much more. To the kids in this photo this tree must have been everything to them, somewhere to cool off, somewhere to play, somewhere to hide. Climbing through the branches they could become anything, a swashbuckling pirate, a powerful superhero, a fun-loving baboon. Only thing holding these kids back were their imaginations. This picture was taken around the 1930s; if the children were to still be alive they would be well over eighty years of age. If you were to take these now elderly people to this same tree, I can bet the memories of those long summer days spent in this tree would come back. A spark of imagination would soon flood into the head of those people just as it did when they were kids.

This picture perfectly embodies the idea of change. Fall is the season of change, the leaves begin to turn, the animals begin to fatten up for the winter, and the bitter chill of winter begins to creep up on you. This path has been trodden on by countless people, and it is different for every person. Just as the environment constantly changes, so do people. Everything in this world is relevant, just as the trees mature and change their appearance, size, and integrity so do people. Some may think change is not a good thing, change is necessary. Change is a new beginning, a fresh start for nature and people. With change often comes sacrifice, but with sacrifice usually a reward is to come later. Just as the tree sacrifices its leaves in the winter, that sacrifice later leads to the fertilization of the soil during the winter months. As spring comes the tree is much bigger and stronger due to its sacrifice.


  1. These are amazing images, Casey, but your commentary is just a as well done. I love what you away about fall as the time of change.

  2. Well I should have reread and edited that post, which does not make a lot of sense. Anyway, I enjoyed your images!
