Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mystory VI Entertainment Discourse

It was not until I was in High School that I could truly appreciate the comedic genius of The Office. This show is by far, my favorite television show of all time. It let me have a thirty minute escape from life, and made me laugh more than I have ever before. The Office seemed down to earth and relatable to me, they weren’t jumping out of buildings or killing monsters. They were working at a Dunder Mifflin Paper company selling paper. Still to this day I want a boss like Michael Scott. It still makes me chuckle when I picture Michael Scott burning his foot on a George Forman grill, because he wanted to wake up to the smell of bacon. This show brings a smile to my face when I think about it. The problems faced by the characters in this show, were problems that regular people may face. The characters were likeable and the little quirks each of them had made you like them even more. This helped me to be more involved with the show. In a way this show relates to my family, because Michael Scotts personality and my mothers are sometimes the same. They are similar in that they make decisions without thinking them through and having no reasoning behind them. The Office is a great show, if you have not watched it you should start.

1 comment:

  1. Casey, your appreciation of this show matches my own. My husband and I watched the whole series, and I think you put your finger on its charm when you said we could actually know these people and appreciate them for their frailty and bad choices.
